Wellness Research Funding


Research into resident physician wellness within Alberta has not been a well-studied topic. Residency in Alberta may have specific nuances and challenges that may have gone unrecognized due to the lack of funding and research into resident physician well-being in a systematic method. PARA supports resident physician initiated and resident physician-led research projects on resident physician wellness by offering non-renewable funding to PARA members. 


  1. Applicants must be a PARA member in good standing within the Association.
  2. Resident physicians may win funding a maximum of twice and not in consecutive years.
  3. Only one application per person will be allowed per year.
  4. The duration of funding for each initiative should be limited to 24 months.
  5. PARA Assembly Delegates may apply.
  6. PARA Executive Board members may not be the primary applicant.
  7. Previously funded research projects will not be eligible for reapplication. 

Financial Considerations

Funding may be awarded in values not exceeding $2,500 for each selected project and will closely follow the applicant’s submitted budget. Reimbursement will be subsequent to the submission of the initiative review document.

Applicants will be reimbursed by PARA for costs incurred after submission of receipts. The Funds reimbursed will not be greater than the amount stipulated in the funding application.Should there be extenuating circumstance for cost overruns, the Nominations and AwardsCommittee will consider additional reimbursements on a case-by-case basis.

As of July 1, 2024, travel and conferences fees will be excluded from Wellness Research funding and will not be eligible for reimbursement.

Maximum of $10,000 per academic year will be available for all supported applications.

Application Process

Research on Resident Physician Wellness funding will be made available to PARA members viathe Nominations and Awards Committee. This committee will be responsible for the announcement, evaluation, and disbursement of the funding to resident physicians on a yearly basis.

The Nominations and Awards Committee will endeavour, where possible, to distribute funding equally to Calgary, Edmonton, Northern Alberta, Southern Alberta, and Central Alberta. Thiscriterion will not restrict the funding of additional applications should there be funds remaining after initial allocation and appropriate applications remain. 

All completed applications submitted by the annual deadline will be considered.

Research On Resident Physician Wellness Form

Research On Resident Physician Wellness Form

DEADLINE: 11:59 p.m. September 30, annually

Please submit applications to ravneet.saran@para-ab.ca.

Post Funding Reporting

At the conclusion of the research project, or the academic year’s end (whichever is more appropriate, given the timeline and nature of the project) successful applicants will be required to submit an Initiative Review document, which will include summaries of: 

  • Research project implementation process
  • Perceived successes and challenges experienced
  • Research goals achieved
  • Impact on resident physician wellness
  • Financial expenditures, specifically, the use of PARA funding
  • Proposed improvements if the project were to be implemented again
  • NAC research reimbursement form 

Informed, Empowered, Involved

Informed about our patients’ health and innovations in medicine. Empowered to create healthy professional working and learning environments. Involved in shaping the future of health care delivery in Alberta.