The snack fund is closed for the quarter; it will re-open on April 1.

PARA’s Community and Well-Being Committee has created a new reimbursement program to help provide snacks for resident physicians based on program size. If you would like to organize snacks for your program, you can apply below. Confirmation of funding will be emailed within two business days.

Resident physicians can request up to $250 to purchase snacks. Funding is based on the number of resident physicians in the program. Funds are limited and will be given on a first-come-fist-served basis each quarter. Note: If you received funding last quarter, you must apply again.

Program size  Funding available
Less than 20 resident physicians $50 each quarter

20 – 29 resident physicians 

$100 each quarter

30-50 resident physicians

$150 each quarter

50-99 resident physicians $200 each quarter
100 or more resident physicians $250 each quarter

 Please note, this is a pilot program and adjustments may be made based on feedback received.

How does this work?

1. Complete the online form. If we receive multiple requests from the same program, we will connect the resident physicians.

2. Robin Raworth will follow up via email to confirm available funds. Do not make purchases before approval.

3. Once you receive approval, make the purchase and send an itemized receipt to Robin Raworth by the submission date. You also will have the option to receive an e-gift card to either Walmart or Costco to purchase the snacks instead.

4. Enjoy snacks!

5. Reimbursement will be made by EFT.


Please submit reimbursement forms and itemized receipts for each quarter by the deadlines below:

Quarter Period Opening Date Submission Deadline Reimbursement
Q1 July – September July 1 September 15 October 15
Q2 October – December October 1 December 15 January 15
Q3 January – March January 1 March 15 April 15
Q4 April – June April 1 June 15 July 15

After the request has been approved, resident physicians will be asked to email Robin Raworth with their preferred email address for reimbursement, as well as an itemized receipts in PDF or JPEG format.

a) Please ensure that the receipt clearly shows the date and the amount paid (do not submit bank statements or emails of bank statements)

b) If there are multiple receipts, please combine them into one document (ideally a PDF).

Apply Now


What is the purpose of this program?

PARA’s Community and Well-Being Committee (CWC) is introducing this funding based on resident physician requests and feedback. The Committee has received multiple requests from resident physicians for snacks and has received positive feedback on previous snack initiatives. The CWC understands that access to food during busy days or nights can be challenging and have introduced this fund to provide support.

Can I apply for funding for my program each quarter?

Yes, there will be funding available each quarter. Resident physicians will need to fill out a new online form and receive approval for each quarter.

What if residents in my program work at multiple sites, can I request funding for each site?

The maximum funding is based on program size and not locations. We recommend working with resident physicians at different locations to split the funding.

Can multiple resident physicians from the same program apply for funding?

Yes, however, there is a maximum amount of funding available for each program. If multiple resident physicians apply for funding from the same program, PARA will connect the resident physicians and they can work together to split the funding.

Multiple resident physicians from one program can submit receipts, we ask that no more than four resident physicians from a program submit receipts.

Does the funding need to be spent on snacks?

The intent behind the funding is that it goes towards food for as many resident physicians in the program as possible. How the funding is spent is up to the resident physicians in the program. The funding could be used for coffee pods, snacks, a meal at academic half-day, etc.

Why can I only get up to $250 per quarter?

There is a limited amount of funds for this program so PARA has capped the maximum reimbursement at $250 per quarter to allow as many resident physicians as possible to take advantage of this program.

How do I get paid?

You will be reimbursed via e-transfer. For this reason, it is important that your correct email is included on the form and is legible. Please double-check your email address before sending you form in. Incorrect, illegible and missing documents will delay your reimbursement.

Do you have feedback? We would like to hear from you, please contact us here.

Our intention is to continually improve resident physicians’ professional and personal lives.

We value: Relationships with our members and with our partners. Understanding of our members’ needs and the system in which they work. Diversity in perspective and lived experience. Rigour in meeting the standard of service that our resident physicians deserve.