PARA members who are too tired to drive home after an in-house or switched call shift can submit a claim for reimbursement for a taxi, Uber or transit ride to get them home safely post-call. The Taxi/Rideshare Reimbursement Program will also cover transportation back to the hospital to pick up your vehicle if you left it at work.
*NOTE: You will not be reimbursed for a ride to the hospital prior to the call; your first ride must be post-call.
You can find the reimbursement form here.
What is the purpose of this program?
This program provides a safe ride home from the hospital if you are too fatigued to drive, as well as a return trip to pick up your vehicle later. It is intended for residents who have completed a traditional 24-hour in-house call or a switched call that extends past midnight.
Will my taxi to work be covered?
NO, the ride must be post-call. The program is intended to provide a way home if you are too fatigued to drive safely. As such, you are required to self-assess for fatigue after the call shift ends. The program is not intended as a mode of transportation to a shift.
Will my taxi be covered if I am working 8 hours/day time call?
NO. The program should only be used after a traditional in-house call shift (i.e. 24 hours) or switched call where you are working in the hospital past midnight.
Why can I only get $200 per quarter?
There is a limited amount of funds for this program so PARA has capped the maximum reimbursement at $200 per quarter to allow as many resident physicians as possible to take advantage of this program.
How do I get paid?
You will be reimbursed via e-transfer. Please ensure the email address on your submission form is legible and correct, as it will be used to deposit your funds. If you have auto-deposit set up, provide that email address.
You will receive a separate email with the transfer password. Incomplete, incorrect or illegible information may result in delays.
Can I use this program out of the province?
NO. The funding for the program is provided by AHS and can only be utilized in Alberta.
Can I use this program when doing extender shifts?
No. Extender shifts are not part of your residency training, so this program cannot be used for them.