Resident Physician Blogs

The importance of identifying our values in residency
Resident Physician Blogs

The importance of identifying our values in residency

Posted on February 19, 2019 by Dr. Darby Ewashina

Believe it or not, we actually have a choice in how we want to live our lives. Getting clear on what matters to us is the first step towards exercising our choice. 

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Dr. Michele Foster
Resident Physician Blogs

New Year, New Mentality

Posted on January 21, 2019 by Dr. Michele Foster

The beginning of each year marks a fresh start.  I, like many other people, am guilty of setting numerous (often unrealistic) New Years resolutions related to personal health and fitness, nutrition and career goals.

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Dr. Daniel Friedman
Resident Physician Blogs

Going for the Goal

Posted on December 14, 2018 by Dr. Daniel Friedman

Staying on track is always a work in progress. Hopefully some of these ideas resonate with you as you proceed through the beginning of your career!

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Dr. Kaylynn Purdy
Resident Physician Blogs


Posted on November 15, 2018 by Dr. Kaylynn Purdy

Over the past two years, I have had the opportunity to meet, learn from, and work alongside many great leaders in medical education. I was especially fortunate to have met several fantastic female leaders in medical education, women who are forging ahead to improve Canadian health care, often in rooms surrounded by men.

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Dr. Hana Yu
Resident Physician Blogs

Comfort Always

Posted on October 24, 2018 by Dr. Hana Yu

What we do as part of our daily work indeed has a tremendous impact on our patients. As I was reminded of the gravity of my duties, I recollect the oath I made in my first white coat: “Cure sometimes, treat often, comfort always.”

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Dr. Beauty Sandhu
Resident Physician Blogs

Adventures in Guyana

Posted on August 1, 2018 by Dr. Beauty Sandhu

This elective has not only reinforced my interest in international medicine, but has helped me become a better doctor by pushing me to be more resourceful.

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Dr. Mim Fatmi
Resident Physician Blogs

Make Your Voice Heard

Posted on June 28, 2018 by Dr. Mim Fatmi

Know that in contributing to something larger than yourself, your opinion goes a long way, and your voice gets heard—and you may even hear its echo bounce back, years later, in the changes you helped make happen.

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Dr. David Sessford
Resident Physician Blogs

A Salute to Partners

Posted on May 30, 2018 by Dr. David Sessford

I’ve had a chance to reflect on some strengths and here’s some of the strategies I’ve used throughout my medical training to keep my relationship healthy.

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