
PARA identifies resident physician wellness as one of the strategic priorities of the Association. We strive to encourage, facilitate and preserve our members’ pursuit of well-being in all of its many facets, both personally and professionally. Funding in the form of grants is available through PARA, to support resident physician-led initiatives that promote wellness within PARA’s membership. 


  1. Applicant must be a PARA member in good standing within the Association.
  2. Previous recipients of a PARA Grant for Resident Wellness are eligible to apply.
  3. No one resident physician will be allowed to receive multiple PARA grants within the same academic year.
  4. Only one application per person will be allowed per year.
  5. The duration of funding for each initiative should be limited to 12 months.
  6. PARA Assembly Delegates may apply.
  7. PARA Executive Board members may not be the primary applicant.
  8. Previously funded projects will not be eligible for reapplication.
  9. Initiatives will include a formal wellness component. 

Financial Considerations

Grants may be awarded in values not exceeding $2,000 and will closely follow the applicant’s submitted budget.

A maximum of $10,000 per academic year will be available for all supported applications. 

Applicants will be reimbursed by PARA for costs incurred after submission of receipts. The funds reimbursed will not be greater than the amount stipulated in the funding application. Should there be extenuating circumstance for cost overruns, the Community & Wellness Committee will consider additional reimbursements on a case-by-case basis. 

Application Process

Successful applications will outline how the initiative will impact a broad cross-section of resident physicians and display an innovative strategy for addressing wellness goals. Preference will be given to initiatives rather than one-time events. This grant is not intended to fund current existing initiatives.

 Resident Physician Wellness grants will be made available to PARA members via the Community and Wellness Committee. This Committee will be responsible for the announcement, evaluation and disbursement of the grants to resident physicians. Should the proposal be reviewed favorably, more information about the proposed initiative may be requested.

 Application Deadlines

There are three deadlines to submit applications for the Wellness Initiative Grant.

September 15: applications reviewed after the deadline, response within 15 business days.
January 15: applications reviewed after the deadline, response within 15 business days.
May 15: applications reviewed after the deadline, response within 15 business days.

Resident Physician Wellness Initiative Grant Application

Please submit applications to Robin Raworth.

Our intention is to continually improve resident physicians’ professional and personal lives.

We value: Relationships with our members and with our partners. Understanding of our members’ needs and the system in which they work. Diversity in perspective and lived experience. Rigour in meeting the standard of service that our resident physicians deserve.